Privacy Policy for Asign2 Active Directory Management Software
Last Updated: 29/01/2024
1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy outlines how Asign2 ("we," "us," or "our") collects, uses, discloses, and protects the information gathered through our Active Directory Management Software ("the Software"). By using our Software, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.
2. Information We Collect
This part of the Privacy Policy explains the types of information that Asign2 gathers from users.
  • Personal Information: This includes details like your name, email address, organization info, and payment details. We need these to set up your account, handle billing, and provide access to our Active Directory Management Software.
  • Personal Information: This includes details like your name, email address, organization info, and payment details. We need these to set up your account, handle billing, and provide access to our Active Directory Management Software.
3. Use Of Collected Information:
Once we have your information, this section explains how we put it to use.
Personal Information Usage:
  • Account Creation: We use your personal details to create and manage your account on our software.
  • Billing: Your payment info is used for billing purposes to ensure a smooth subscription process.
  • Access to Software: The information you provide helps us grant you access to our Active Directory Management Software.
Non-Personal Information Usage:
  • Analytics: The data we collect about how you use our software helps us analyze patterns. This analysis guides us in making our software better, improving how it works, and making it more user-friendly.
  • In simple terms, "Information We Collect" is about the kinds of details we gather from you, and "Use of Collected Information" explains how we use those details to manage your account, handle billing, and make our software better based on how you use it.
Security Measures" refers to the steps we take to keep your information safe and protected when you use our Active Directory Management Software.
Login Protection:
You are responsible for keeping your login details (like username and password) secure.
We recommend using extra security features, like multi-factor authentication, to add an extra layer of protection.
Preventing Unauthorized Access:
We use industry-standard methods to make sure that nobody can access, change, or take your information without permission.
This helps keep your data safe from hackers or other unauthorized people.
Data Encryption:
When your information is sent or received, we use special codes to make sure it's not easily readable by anyone who shouldn't see it.
This protects your data as it travels between your device and our system.
Secure Deletion:
If you decide to stop using our Software, we make sure to securely delete or make your data anonymous following the rules and laws that apply. If you decide to stop using our Software, we make sure to securely delete or make your data anonymous following the rules and laws that apply.
"Third-Party Services" means that we sometimes use outside companies to help us with specific tasks related to our Software, like processing payments.
What Are Third Parties?
Third parties are other companies that provide services we need to run our Software effectively.
Payment Processing:
When you subscribe and pay for our Software, we may use a third-party service (like a payment gateway) to handle the payment process securely.
These third parties have their own privacy policies, so it's a good idea to check them to understand how they handle your data.
Privacy Assurance:
Even though we use third-party services, they must follow their own privacy rules, and we make sure they meet the same standards of privacy and security that we promise to you.
Secure Deletion:
While we choose reputable third parties, it's essential for you to be aware of their privacy policies, especially when it comes to your payment information. te.
In simple terms, "Security Measures" is about keeping your data safe from bad actors, and "Third-Party Services" means we sometimes get help from other trustworthy companies for specific tasks, like processing payments, while making sure your data stays secure and private.
Personal and non-personal information is retained for the duration of the user's subscription. Upon termination, we will securely delete or anonymize user data in accordance with applicable laws.
Users have the right to review, modify, or delete their personal information. Requests for such actions can be made through our customer support.
Users can opt-out of non-essential communications and notifications.
We adhere to relevant data protection laws and regulations, ensuring the lawful processing and protection of user information.
We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes via email or within the Software.
For any inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our privacy team at
Thank you for entrusting asign2.comwith your information. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your data as you experience the seamless Active Directory management offered by our Software.